Gout and Diet: Avoid These 53 Purine-Rich Foods
Gout is a very painful condition that affects the joints. In the Netherlands there are tens of thousands of people who have been diagnosed with gout. The disease usually manifests itself after the age of 40 and it is more common in men than in women. Usually gout starts as a single gout attack and you will be prescribed anti-inflammatory medication by your doctor.
Over time, the gout attacks become more intense and frequent.
Over time, toes, fingers and even large joints such as your knees can be affected by gout and the typical gout lumps and deformities of the joints can result if nothing against the condition is done.
Over time, toes, fingers and even large joints such as your knees can become affected by gout and the typical gout lumps and deformities of the joints can result if nothing against the condition is done.
11 minMain dishpeanut oil, tofu stir-fry cubes finely seasoned, stir fry sauce sweet and sour, thick noodles, carrot julienne, beetroot julienne, yellow bell pepper, watercress,rainbow salad with tofu
45 minMain dishRed cabbage, mild olive oil, quinoa plus, forest outing, lemon, sesame oil, soy sauce less salt, Bio Today tahini white in pot, tap water,grilled red cabbage with quinoa salad
30 minDessertBrie, Roquefort, port salut, gruyere, Camembert, walnut, garlic, thyme, honey, grape, baguette, Red onion, red grape, raisins, Red wine, Red wine vinegar, Brown sugar,generous cheese plate with onion marmalade
30 minDessertFull Milk, whipped cream, macaroon, custard powder, vanilla sugar, sugar, protein, amaretto, almond liqueur, basic recipe cooking pears,macaroon pastry with casserole
Risk groups at extra risk for gout are people with diabetes, cardiovascular disease or people with reduced kidney and liver function. Hence, gout is much more common in old age than in young people. The number of people with gout has increased relatively significantly over the past thirty years.
On the one hand this is bad news, on the other hand it also offers perspective. Because there are several environmental factors that aggravate gout and that are very easy to avoid, environmental factors that were a lot less common thirty years ago and could therefore explain the increase.
A very big factor is nutrition, and I don't just mean food with a high content of purine, other foods also have a negative influence on your uric acid level. You can read exactly how that works in this article and be sure to watch the video version below.
5 minDrink without alcoholbananas, cool fresh apple-pear raspberry juice, Soy drink vanilla,soy fruit shake
20 minMain dishsauerkraut, sticking potato, liquid baking product, half-to-half minced, Spice meatballs, pineapple, olive oil, liquid baking product,gratin sauerkraut dish with minced meat
40 minMain dishlemongrass, fresh ginger, Red peppers, onions, tomato cubes, fresh cod fillet, coriander, oil, ground turmeric (koenjit), coconut milk, salt,fish in creamy coconut sauce
15 minSide dishsweet potato, soft goat cheese, egg, spring / forest onion,stuffed sweet potato with egg
Uric acid
The cause of gout is a too high uric acid level. Normally, a healthy person has normal uric acid levels. The uric acid dissolves easily in your warm blood and you have no complaints. However, if your uric acid level is too high, all that uric acid can no longer be absorbed into the blood. Especially in places where the temperature is lower, the uric acid can crystallize. The uric acid then changes from the liquid form to the solid form.
Compare it with water, under a certain temperature water freezes and turns into ice.
So it is also with uric acid, it goes from liquid to solid. The annoying thing about uric acid is that it forms needle-shaped crystals in its solid form, which is why gout is also extremely painful and causes enormous swelling of the affected area. Usually this affected area is a joint such as a finger or a toe, where the temperature is lower than in the rest of your body.
20 minMain dishTasty vine tomato, (olive oil, fresh basil, onion, garlic, Parmigiano Reggiano, zucchini spaghetti, pumpkin spaghetti, mini buffalo mozzarella,lukewarm pumpkin and zucchini spaghetti
15 minSide dishtraditional olive oil, curry powder, wheat flour, coconut milk, sambal oelek, chicken broth tablet, water, fresh mango,curry sauce with mango
30 minMain dishtraditional olive oil, lean ground beef, frozen Mexican wok vegetables, salsa sauce mild, taco shell, grated young cheese, creme fraiche,Mexican vegetable in tacos
95 minMain dishmaize chicken, lemon, coarse sea salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, thyme, zucchini, tomatoes (small to), black olives without pit,provençal chicken with zucchini and tomatoes
There are, as it were, all kinds of tiny needles in that joint and with every movement those uric acid needles pierce your tissue, causing the tissue to become inflamed and causing you to perish with every movement. pain.
There are, as it were, all kinds of small needles in that joint and with every movement those uric acid needles pierce your tissue, which causes the tissue to become inflamed and makes you perish with every movement. pain.
Where does uric acid come from?
In the human body, waste is produced by cells. Logically, the body is just like a machine, on the one hand energy comes in in the form of food and on the other hand the waste products come out again. One of those waste products that is released during the breakdown of purine, a substance that returns to the bloodstream through nutrition and through the breakdown of cells in the dreaded uric acid.
This conversion of uric acid takes place in the liver. The kidneys, in turn, filter the uric acid from the bloodstream and ensure that you pass the majority of the uric acid out again. Incidentally, one third of the uric acid you do not urinate, but it leaves the body through the stool, something that few people know.
Causes of high uric acid level
As you can see, there are two ways in which the uric acid level can get too high. On the one hand, too much uric acid can be produced.
Causes of increased uric acid production are:
On the other hand, the high uric acid level can be caused by too little uric acid being broken down and therefore the amount of uric acid in your blood accumulates. The problem is not so much that the body produces too much uric acid, but cannot properly process the normal amounts of uric acid. As a result, you still get too high a concentration of uric acid in your blood and the risk of gout is high.
On the other hand, the high uric acid level can be caused by too little uric acid being broken down and causing the amount of uric acid in your blood to accumulate. The problem is not so much that the body produces too much uric acid, but cannot properly process the normal amounts of uric acid. As a result, you still get too high a concentration of uric acid in your blood and the risk of gout is high.
Factors that determine the extent to which your body can get rid of uric acid are:
What is typical is that not everyone is equally sensitive to high uric acid levels. There are people who have excessively high uric acid levels but never develop gout, while others with much lower levels of uric acid in the blood will have one after another gout attack.
This just confirms that heredity and thus sensitivity plays an important role in getting gout.
How do I keep my uric acid levels as low as possible
First of all, you should of course try to get rid of the cause of gout, if any, as much as possible. So if you have diabetes and gout, keeping your blood sugar under control will have a major impact on your gout.
25 minSmall dishflour, frozen puff pastry, egg, milk, walnut, mature cheese, paprika, dried Provençal herbs,puff pastry-sticks
20 minSide dishEggs, lettuce, parsley, olive oil (extra virgin), tarragon vinegar, salt and freshly ground pepper,lettuce with egg dressing
15 minSmall dishbaking flour, peanut oil, flat leaf parsley,ar'nabit mi'li
15 minAppetizerScottish salmon fillet, butter or margarine, fresh dill, creme fraiche, dry white wine, arugula lettuce melange, pan tostado,baked salmon with white-wine sauce
The same applies to factors such as psoriasis, obesity, no longer drinking alcohol and if you stop smoking. But even if you have heart failure, for example, it is important that you do not give up. Despite your disability, try to maintain your fitness level, a better condition results in a longer maintenance of a healthy metabolism.
Of course, discuss this with your treating specialist first, you should not overburden yourself!
In addition, it is important to keep that annoying uric acid as low as possible. In short, you can say that purine is converted into uric acid and that uric acid must be filtered out of your body by the kidneys. Your kidneys depend on water for proper functioning, so drink plenty of water in the first place.
It is not the case that you can only get your uric acid levels down with water, you should see enough water as a precondition for the entire body to function properly.
25 minMain dishbalsamic vinegar, garlic, steak, Spaghetti, traditional olive oil, fresh green olive tapenade, arugula, Parmigiano Reggiano,spaghetti with steak and arugula
15 minAppetizerfennel bulb, arugula, red pointed pepper, black agnus carpaccio (a 100 grams), capers,black angus carpaccio with fennel
35 minMain dishsweet potatoes, salad onion, garlic, cooking dairy, grated cheese for vegetable gratin, almond shavings, peanut oil, breaded schnitzels, Broccoli,crispy schnitzel with sweet potato gratin and broccoli
30 minMain disholive oil, onion, tomato, risotto rice, laurel leaf, thyme, saffron, turmeric, fish stock of 1 tablet, mixed seafood, mixed whitefish fillet, mussel, lemon,fish paella from the oven
The next step is power. It is now widely known that purine provides uric acid, but what many people forget or are unaware of is that all those sweeteners in our soft drinks and processed food are also fatal for gout, these sugars should be avoided just as much like purine! The problem with the (artificial) sugars is that they are ubiquitous in the supermarket.
I am increasingly irritated by the presence of dextrose in just about every foodstuff I take off the shelf (and put back in disappointment). Chicken fillet, turkey fillet, marinated meat, smoked ham; almost all meat contains sugar. Which normal-minded person would put a spoonful of sugar on the chicken on their own? Or a nice ham and cheese sandwich with a scoop of sugar on top? So this is what we do when we leave the preparation of our food to the food industry, everywhere and everywhere these artificial sugars are contained.
Not that these foods are at all suitable as a diet if you suffer from gout because of the high amounts of purine, but just to illustrate how the food industry knows how to use sugar in products that simply contain no sugar. hears!
The best thing is that you train yourself to simply put the product back on the shelf when there are artificial sugars in products and say to yourself: â € œNo big profits for this brand. at the expense of my health ...
Terms by which you can recognize the artificial sugars are:
All these ingredients, whether or not in syrup, syrup or any form whatsoever, such as the worst variant HFCS (High-Fructose-Corn-Syrup) that can add delicious sweetness to your soft drink directly lead to increased uric acid levels and trigger a gout attack. Be sensible and avoid all these artificial sugars!
In addition, you also have the E-numbers by which you can recognize other artificial sugars derived from natural sugars:
The rest of the added sweeteners are classified E950 to E969, I myself don't take these sugars anyway because they don't add anything and if you have gout it is highly recommended to do the same.
These sugars also lead to an increase in uric acid, so it is best to avoid all these sweeteners. I know that's easier said than done, especially if you're all the way used to doing quick grocery shopping at the supermarket. My advice is simple in that respect, try to avoid all processed foods, so no ready-made and no pre-packaged meats or soft drinks, jam, cookies, sweets, chips, etc.
15 minMain dishgreen tagliatelle, garlic, Red pepper, olive oil, tomato cubes, cocktail shrimp, mixed salad, vinaigrette,spicy tagliatelle with shrimps
50 minMain dishsomething crumbly potatoes, sauerkraut natural, tomato paste, sambal oelek, bacon, semi-skimmed milk, unsalted butter, Gelderse smoked sausage,Sauerkraut with smoked sausage
20 minBreakfastrucola lettuce, bunch onion, roasted red peppers in pot, traditional olive oil, medium sized egg, fresh cream, grated mature cheese, butter,creamy cheese omelet with arugula
25 minMain dishceleriac, floury potatoes, olive oil, beef finches, onion, Apple juice, gravy natural, dairy spread,beeffinch with sweet apple gravy
I even find the dextrose on the back of the organic food packaging, so it is best to eat more unprocessed food.
Also eat poor purine
That said, in your quest for low-sugar food, you should not, of course, switch from low-sugar but purine-rich food. To keep your uric acid levels as low as possible, the second strategy is to make sure you don't get unnecessary extra purine into your system through food.
The less purine, the less it converts into uric acid. Purine is not indicated on the back of the label and some foods contain an enormous amount of purine, take certain kernels for example, while nuts contain very little purine. You often have to practice before you understand the logic of purine. In general you can assume that vegetables or fruit again contain relatively little purine.
In that respect, it's a matter of learning to avoid the biggest purine bombs.
You can divide the purine levels of food into three classes:
Class 1: 0-75 milligrams of purines per 100 grams of food. It is best to eat this food if you want to eat low purines.
Class 2: 75-150 milligrams of purines per 100 grams of food. This is the middle bracket for purines.
Class 3: 150-200 milligrams purines per 100 grams of food. You should avoid this food if you are prone to gout.
Class 4: “Avoid Total !!!!” 200 milligrams and more.
25 minMain dishthin bacon strips, onion, chicken fillet, smoked paprika, chestnut mushrooms, traditional olive oil, chilled little newborns, fresh carrots and snow peas,free-range chopsticks with mixed vegetables
15 minSnackflatbread, Mango Chutney, smoked duck breast, cress,oriental duck
20 minMain dishmussel, butter, leeks, White wine, water, creme fraiche,normandy mussels in cream sauce
65 minDessertsugar, vanilla bean, oranges, almond shavings, butter, Eggs, vanilla sugar, self-raising flour,orange-almond pie
Now these classes aren't going to get you that much further, so I've made a list for you of the 53 purine-rich foods you should avoid anyway. I have listed all foods of which I know the purine content and which exceed 100 milligrams per 150 grams of food. You can use this list in combination with the list in another article that also lists all low-purine products.
Again to start with, don't drink alcohol, not even beer!
In order not to confuse you, I have mainly focused in this article on the products that you should avoid so that you do not mix up products.
300+ milligrams of purines
The foods topping the list are the real purine bombs. The leader of the list contains nearly 1,000 milligrams of purines! Just consider that in a purine-poor diet to prevent gout attacks, try to eat food that should not contain more than 40 grams on average. It seems clear to me that you should know that you should never, ever eat sweetbread.
1 Veal sweetbread contains 918 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
2 Wheat germ contains 843 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
25 minMain dishflour, slip tongues, olive oil, garlic, leeks, raw ham, black olives without pit, lemon,fried sole with ham and leek
40 minMain dishgreen pepper, extra virgin olive oil, spring / forest onion, garlic, sticking potato, chilli pepper flakes, deep-frozen mine, flat leaf parsley,marmitako
65 minMain dishpotatoes, olive oil, onion, garlic, minced beef, sauerkraut, curry powder, sour cream, parsley,potatoes stuffed with sauerkraut beef
85 minSide dishshallot, White wine vinegar, red silver onions of tomatoes, limes juice and grater, oysters, sea salt,raw oysters with two toppings
3 Yeast contains 680 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
4 Soybeans contain 356 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
5 Canned sardines contain 349 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
20 minMain dishfusilli, frozen haricot beans, onion, olive oil, semi-skimmed milk, water, mix for tagliatelle cream sauce, pink salmon in a tin,fusilli with salmon and string beans
20 minMain dishceleriac, unsalted butter, fine mustard, vegetarian smoked sausage, stew vegetables, fresh parsley, white cheese,celeriac stew with vegetarian smoked sausage (advertorial)
15 minMain disholive oil, onion, fennel bulb, garlic, saffron, lemon, mussel, white beer, fish fillet, butter,fish dish with fennel and white beer
20 minMain dishWorld of meats iberico presca, traditional olive oil, salt, Tabasco, pine nuts, romatomat, arugula, balsamic vinegar, Parmigiano Reggiano,iberico presca tagliata
6 Herring contains 317 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
7 Trout contains 311 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
200 to 300 milligrams of purines
This section of the list also includes foods that contain way too much purines. If you go through the list, you will notice that these are mainly organ meats, pork and certain types of fish. Soy and lentils also do not belong in a diet aimed at lowering uric acid levels.
8 Soy flour contains 296 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
9 Anchovies contains 260 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
10 Bovine lungs contain 242 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
20 minDessertfresh pineapple, dark chocolate, coconut grater, almond shavings, chilli pepper flakes,pineapple sorbet and spicy chocolate
70 minMain dishhampen, Chinese five spice powder, butter, baking bacon, Red onion, garlic, prunes without seeds, cider or apple juice,stewed ham-pieces with prunes
15 minSide dishcranberry compote, Apple juice, extra virgin olive oil, arugula lettuce melange, fresh goat's cheese 55, red grapes,goat cheese salad with grapes
10 minSnackfresh raspberry, raspberry, lemon juice, orange juice, Apple juice, powdered sugar,raspberry ice creams
11 Beef liver contains 230 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
12 Veal liver contains 221 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
13 Veal kidneys contain 218 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
14 Pork fillet 212 milligrams purines per 100 grams
15 Roast herring contains 215 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
16 Lentils contain 200 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
150 to 200 milligrams of purines
Also this part of the list of foods that you should absolutely avoid consists mainly of fish, shrimp, various meats, game, goose and duck and certain types of seeds and kernels. So as far as you know you have to be careful with meat and fish.
17 Canned tuna contains 198 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
18 Mackerel 186 contains milligrams of purines per 100 grams
19 Minced pork contains 183 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
20 Lamb meat 180 contains milligrams of purines per 100 grams
21 Smoked salmon contains 174 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
22 Goose contains 170 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
23 Minced meat half and half contains 170 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
24 Crispbread 161 contains milligrams of purines per 100 grams
25 Bass contains 160 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
35 minDessertfirm apple, lemon juice, raisins, chopped walnuts, vanilla sugar, cinnamon, White wine, vanilla bean, milk, sugar, cornstarch, egg yolk,apples from the oven with vanilla sauce
25 minMain dishminced meat, butter, silver onion sweet sour, Ketchup, dark brown caster sugar, cut endive, garlic, mashed potatoes,meatballs with sweet and sour sauce
15 minDessertsoy milk, oatmeal, honey, walnut, frozen forest fruits, coconut grater,oatmeal with forest fruits, walnuts and coconut
220 minMain dishbacon strips, onion (coarsely chopped), cooked chestnut, lean pork mince, lightly seasoned, Apple, fresh thyme leaf, melted butter, balsamic vinegar, maple syrup or pouring syrup, turkey, at room temperature,stuffed turkey with chestnuts
26 Deer contains 160 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
27 Chickpeas contain 160 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
28 Beef tongue contains 160 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
29 Sunflower seeds contain 157 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
30 Buckwheat contains 156 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
31 Barley contains 155 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
30 minMain dishfresh green beans, shell paste, onion, traditional olive oil, cooking cream light, tuna pieces in water, black olives, tomato,pasta with tuna and vegetables
15 minMain dishquinoamix, chilled edamame soybeans, Japanese soy sauce, ginger syrup, sesame oil, lime juice, Sesame seed, bunch onion, Dutch raw vegetables,quinoa salad with edamame
30 minMain dishquick-cooking rice, chicken broth tablet, vegetable stock, chicken breast, fresh pineapple, maize, spring / forest onion, Red pepper, lime, sambal Badjak, satay sauce ready-to-eat, emping, cassava, kroepoek,spicy rice salad with chicken satay
60 minMain dishWhite asparagus, salt, buttered puff pastry, ham, parsley, mascarpone, egg, freshly ground pepper, nutmeg, soft cream butter, baking flour to pollinate,plate cake with asparagus and ham
32 Beef fillet / minced meat contains 154 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
33 Duck contains 150 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
34 Prawns contain 150 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
35 Rabbit contains 150 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
100 to 150 milligrams of purines
Occasionally you can ingest a little bit of this food, but keep it very limited. The moment you allow this food back into your diet, you can wait until your uric acid level passes the critical amount again and you have another gout attack!
36 Wheat bran contains 142 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
105 minSnackyellow rice, forest outing, ginger root, garlic, half-to-half-chopped, red chilli sauce, cornstarch, ketjapmarinadeasin,yellow rice pearls
30 minMain dishzucchini, garlic, artichoke, raw ham, Macaroni, traditional olive oil, creme fraiche, grated mature cheese,macaroni dish with raw ham
110 minDessertbutter to grease, baking flour to pollinate, medium oranges, medium sized egg, white caster sugar, half-full quark, grated coconut, wheat flour, cinnamon powder, icing sugar to pollinate,baked cheesecake
15 minMain dishpaprika mix, onion, sunflower oil, minced beef, curry seasoning ketchup, fresh fresh mint, Bulgarian yogurt, pita bread, lamb's lettuce,pita with curry beef
37 Veal fillet contains 140 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
38 Squid contains 135 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
39 Plaice contains 135 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
40 Cervelate sausage contains 133 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
41 Beans contain 130 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
42 Shrimps contain 130 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
43 mutton contains 130 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
44 chicken fillet contains 120 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
45 Turkey fillet contains 120 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
15 minSide dishfennel bulb, traditional olive oil, grapefruit, capers, fresh chives, fresh crayfish,fennel with capers, crayfish and grapefruit
40 minSnackSushi rice, rice vinegar, sugar, sea salt, Dutch New Herring, grated horseradish, mayonnaise, parsley,herring sushi
45 minDessertfrutti, rum, Eggs, fine sugar, patent flower, butter, creme fraiche, milk, cinnamon powder, powdered sugar,winter clafoutis with tuttifrutti
10 minSide dishasparagus broccoli, (olive oil, lemon zest, dried pepper,asparagus broccoli with anchovies oil
46 Cod contains 120 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
47 Lobster contains 120 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
45 minMain dishgarlic, thyme, shii-takes, Red wine, oil, rib eye, shallots, butter or margarine, meat fond, (freshly ground) pepper, salt,ribeye in merlot
25 minMain dishquick-cooking rice, Red peppers, leeks, cod fillet, teriyaki marinade and sauce, sunflower oil, Thai stir-fry mix,teriyaki fish packages
15 minMain dishpaprika mix, fresh coriander, mayonnaise with yogurt, Louisiana Chipotle hot sauce, chicken fillet strips, chicken spices, peanut oil, black eyed beans, tortilla wrap tomato,crispy chicken fajita
15 minMain dishzucchini, olive oil, Red onion, salmon fillet, parsley, basil,stir-fry dish with salmon and courgette potatoes
48 Tuna contains (fresh cut) 120 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
49 Beef roast steak contains 112 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
45 minAppetizerground cloves, cassis jam, smoked duck breast fillet, Red onion, balsamic vinegar, arugula, fresh parsley, extra virgin olive oil,duck breast rolls with cassis jam
55 minMain dishsplit peas, beef broth tablets, winter carrot, onion, garlic, bay leaves, chorizo sausage, garden peas, chickpeas,pea soup with chorizo and chickpeas
25 minLuncholive oil, garlic, shallot, onion, yellow bell pepper, paprika, vegetable stock, cucumber, Red pepper, smoked trout fillet, fresh basil,soup of yellow pepper with cucumber and trout
20 minSide dishbreakfast bacon, petit pains, garlic, wine vinegar, mustard, honey, walnut oil, butter lettuce, lamb's lettuce, carrot julienne, Eggs,lettuce with poached egg
50 Rumpsteak 110 contains milligrams of purines per 100 grams
51 Roast beef 110 contains milligrams of purines per 100 grams
85 minDessertcake mix, butter, Eggs, milk, dark chocolate, whipped cream, orange, Orange Marmelade,chocolate orange tarts
35 minMain dishlime, soy sauce, sambal oelek, shallot, coriander, chicken cloves, Sesame seed, bread-crumbs, egg, sunflower oil,fried chicken with soy sauce
30 minAppetizeroil, walnut oil, White wine vinegar, Limburg mustard, salt and freshly ground pepper, sugar, abbey cheese, sweet-sour apples, chicory, lamb's lettuce, walnuts,salad with apple and abbey cheese
30 minSnackflour, sugar, sugar, baking powder, dried yeast, egg yolk, sea salt, White chocolate, milk chocolate,choco pretzels
52 White bread contains 104 milligrams of purines per 100 grams
As you can see, not a single piece of fruit or vegetables has been discussed yet. Do you also notice that it is mainly meat, fish and shrimp and certain types of seeds and kernels that you really have to watch out for? In fact, by eating a varied diet you can take all fruit and vegetables, provided you don't eat the same thing over and over again.
35 minLunchpeanut oil, olive oil, chorizo, Red onion, small zucchini, yellow bell pepper, Red pepper, spice mix, Red beans, kidney beans,variegated bean soup with chorizo
10 minDrink without alcoholground coconut, voice ginger, apricots, mild yogurt, pistachios,coconut-ginger smoothie
50 minDessertblueberries in light syrup, orange, self-raising flour, salt, white caster sugar, cinnamon powder, egg (medium size), creme fraiche, butter or margarine to grease,maxi-muffins
40 minMain dishshallot, butter, liquid baking product, peanut oil, shoulder Chops, laurel leaf, White wine, Meat bouillon, chicory, butter, sugar, balsamic vinegar,shoulder chops with shallots and fried chicory
Also dairy and most nuts will not be a problem, just be careful with mushrooms and mushrooms and you can maintain a very low purine diet without having to memorize entire lists learn.
Again the golden rule regarding a diet that should prevent you from having a gout attack again is a diet that contains little sugars and purine, for the artificial sugars you can see the list I above have called persist.
By ignoring the processed food, your health is also an extra pleasure, you will also consume much less trans fats, good for everyone, with or without gout!
10 minMain dishFrench mustard, creme fraiche, Tortilla wraps, Roast beef, lettuce melange,tortilla wraps with roast beef and sour cream
60 minAppetizerolive oil, olive oil, chili powder, paprika, steak, tortilla wrap, arugula, avocado,wrap the grill with marinated steak
30 minMain dishgrass butter, coarse sea salt, fresh parsley, fresh tarragon, fresh celery leaves, garlic, free range chicken, dry white wine, potatoes with skin, radishes, breakfast bacon, Red onion,butter chicken from the oven with braised radishes
15 minMain dishunroasted walnuts, Red pepper, garlic, penne, cool fresh broccoli, traditional olive oil,penne with broccoli, garlic and walnuts
In addition, avoid: -meat, everything that comes out of the water, no soy and no yeast. For example, yeast is in bread to make it rise, so be careful with bread!
Don't experiment with seeds and kernels, sunflower seeds buckwheat wheat germ are all those purine bombs, stick to nuts and avocados for the proteins.
Gout? Do you suffer from gout attacks and do you want to do something about it! .
HFCS (High-Fructose-Corn-Syrup)